Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How To Relieve Back Pain Without Using Medications

Occasional back pain is common and is experienced by about 84% of adults at some point in their lives. If your pains are chronic, this can affect your ability to live an active and healthy life. Not all pains can or should be treated without medication and you should consult a doctor before starting any type of treatment. However, there are several things that can be done to strengthen your spine and relieve pain without the use of medicine.

Using self-care methods

Apply heat. High temperatures are usually recommended to relieve back pain, especially in the lower spine, as they help to relax muscles and relieve tension. If your pain is chronic and not the result of injury, heat can help.

Down pillows are another versatile, read my post here to know useful and best down pillows. Use a bottle of warm water or a compress on the back. Wrap a towel around the compress to prevent burns and do not apply for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Be careful not to sleep while applying heat.

The use of cold compresses or ice packs usually helps alleviate pain related to inflammation, such as arthritis pain. Ice can also reduce swelling of the lesions.

To make a cold compress, soak a towel with water. Twist it to remove excess water and place it folded in a plastic bag. Freeze the bag for about 15 minutes and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. Repeat up to three times a day.

A bag of frozen vegetables can act as a cold compress in an emergency. Try to use a package with small, relatively uniform items such as peas. This will help distribute the cold better.

Use a foam roller to relieve the pain. [6] These rollers are usually about 1.5 m and look like thick foam floats. (You can use a float in an emergency)

Lie on a flat surface with the roller perpendicular to the spine. Position it below the shoulder blades and lift the hip in a few centimeters. Keep your head and shoulders off the floor and use your feet to roll your body back and forth over the roll for a few minutes.

Start with a low density foam roller. Some models are very firm and have nodules to exert pressure on specific points of the spine, which can be very intense for beginners.

Improve your posture, as bending can increase pressure on the spine and cause pain. Begin to walk erect to relieve the pressure and decrease an existing pain and prevent new occurrences.

Strengthening the central muscles of the body will help you improve posture. These muscles connect with the spine and pelvis and help keep the body erect.

Flexibility exercises, such as yoga and pilates, are also great for improving posture. They emphasize slow and fluid movements, being opposed to the movements of traditional exercises. Because of this, they will hardly make your pain worse.

Pay attention to the way you sit and stand during the day. Your shoulders should be back and forth, never forward. Your head should be level, not bent forward or down. It may be kinda weird to correct the posture, but with a little vigilance you will start to feel better.

Assemble an ergonomic workstation. Back and shoulder pain can be caused by spending many hours sitting on a chair. An improper work environment can cause you to bend. Setting up an ergonomically correct environment can help you relieve your aches and pains.

Seeking professional help

Know your limits. In general, acute pain will improve on its own as long as care is taken. Lower back pain is common in adults, but if it does not go away in four weeks, see a doctor. You may need to consider other treatments.

Strengthening the back

Consult your physician. Because back pain may have several causes, it is important to talk to a doctor before starting any exercise or treatment. This is even more important if you have suffered a serious injury such as a fall or a traffic accident. Some injuries should be treated with rehabilitation therapy and medications.

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